
In Greece, FrieslandCampina Hellas is essentially identified with NOUNOU products, which for more than 80 years, cover the daily nutritional needs of the Greek family. Today, the company has in the Greek market a complete range in all categories of dairy products, which includes baby milk and creams, evaporated and highly pasteurized milk, yogurts, sour creams and cheeses under the names NOUNOU, FRISO, MILNER and FINA. At the same time, it distributes products for professional use under the names FRICO, DEBIC, FRISIAN COW, MIKRI NETHERLANDS and FARM.

Through the significant investment of equity and the transfer of know-how, the company implemented the transfer of milk production from Germany to Greece, at the factory of FrieslandCampina Hellas in Patras. This investment is part of FrieslandCampina's long-term development plans for Greece. The operation of the unit started at the beginning of September 2011 and consists of 4 new milk production lines. It has state-of-the-art equipment that operates on a 24-hour basis, following the most perfect procedures of quality assurance and respect for the environment, with the full development and implementation of ISO 9001, ISO 22000, ISO 14000 systems, under the supervision of well-trained personnel.

The unit utilizes the production of raw milk of strictly selected livestock units in order to create, with Greek raw material, the favorite series of dairy products of the Greek family: NOUNOU FAMILY milk, NOYNOY CALCIPLUS, NOYNOY KID, NOUNOU milk Noulac and.

FrieslandCampina continues to innovate and methodically bridge the gap that exists today, modernizing Greek livestock, aiming to increase production by its contracted producers, through all the logistical and personal support it offers. As a cooperative, it consists of 19,000 dairy farmers and de facto places its relationship with each producer individually, on the principles of consistency, respect and mutual benefit and guarantees the establishment of long-term bonds of trust with Greek breeders and the Greek economy.

NOUNOU Frisolac AR Special Nutrition Baby Milk from Birth to 12 months, for the Treatment of Reductions, 400 gr Effective Choice for the Treatment of Complicated Gastroesophageal Reflux in Infants
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NOUNOU Frisolac HA Hypoallergenic Milk for Babies with Allergy to Cow Milk Protein 400g Suitable for the diet of infants at risk of allergy to cow's milk protein
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NOUNOU Frisolac 1 Comfort Special Milk for babies with gastroesophageal reflux or constipation from 0 to 6 months 400gr
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NOUNOU Frisolac 1 Milk powder for babies from 0 to 6 months 400gr Milk for babies, instant preparation with advanced composition.
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NOUNOU Frisolac Lactose Free Special Nutrition Baby Milk Free Lactose from Birth 400 gr Special Composition Baby Milk for the Nutrition of Infants with Lactose Intolerance
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Frisolac Post Discharge Milk for the Dietary Education of Premature and Underweight Infants 400gr Milk for the diet of premature and underweight babies.
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NUNOU Frisolac 1 Milk powder for babies from 0 to 6 months 800gr Milk powder for babies from 0 to 6 months
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